(…) As we learn to speak we are learning to translate; the child who asks his mother the meaning of a word is really asking her to translate the unfamiliar into the simple words he already knows. In this sense, translation within the same language is not essentially different from translation between two tongues, and the history of all peoples parallels the child’s experience (…)

(Octavio Paz, “Translation: Literature and Letters”)

Economic and social globalisation and the technological advances that have taken place over the past two decades have resulted in increasingly complex and interconnected symbolic systems. In linguistics, what were once completely closed and isolated fields now appear as overlapping and communicating symbolic systems.

Alongside the most common form of translation – interlanguage – there is also intra-language (within the same language, with the interpretation and subsequent reinterpretation of verbal signs for others of the same language, such as, for example, with one edition of The Lusiads aimed at a younger audience) and semiotic (which consists of the transposition of a determined set of signs for others, such as with the passage from verbal written language to the visual semiotic system, such as when some scenes from The Lusiads were adapted for cinema, for example).

Traductanet, with its many translation and interpretation services across many supports and platforms, is an unquestioned leader in the area of communication.


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