It is with great pleasure that Traductanet announces that it has signed another contract to provide the European Union with legal translation services (LEG18). This represents a huge vote of confidence in our specialist team.

Legal translations are one of Traductanet´s specialised fields. It has developed over the years and Traductanet has specialised teams and project managers that focus on this subject field.

Translations in any technical area are performed by translators who specialise in that field and many of them have degrees or post-graduate qualifications in their subjects.

We believe that, in addition to translation skills, translators of specialised documents should have a very good command of the subject matter, as this will help ensure professional, high-quality work. It is a combination of excellent knowledge of both the source and target languages, an understanding of the source material and key translation skills that produces a good translation.

The recognition we have achieved in the legal field is just one example of the excellent results of this working method.


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