Traductanet – Traducta’s new brand!

Traducta was founded over 30 years ago and has a considerable presence in Portugal and abroad. As a multilingual translation company specializing in translation, localization of software and websites, terminology management and interpretation, Traducta felt that it was time to take another step forward in order to keep up with its customers’ expansion and internationalisation.

Traducta’s raison d’être is high-quality multilingual services based on translations performed exclusively by native speakers, preferably working from their own country of origin. Over the years Traducta has become a global network of translators and specialists who are at the heart of this new brand.

Traductanet is joining the global market as an international company with vast experience in this sector and is proud to present a new image, logo and strategy specifically geared towards providing an effective response to the growing demand and globalisation of all our customers all over the world!

Traductanet is your ideal global partner for the expansion and internationalisation of your business.

If you would like to know more about Traductanet, please see our Services.

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