What is Esperanto?

Esperanto is an artificial language created in 1887 by Ludwick Zamenhof as a means of enabling communication between all of the people in the world and to be used as a global lingua franca. The Universal Esperanto Association is the movement’s largest organisation.

According to Wikipedia, it is the most-spoken artificial language in the world with the advent of the Internet having a significant impact on its popularity.

With simple grammatical rules, the written version uses a modified version of the Latin alphabet including six letters with diacritics. Despite its simplicity, humans tend to use natural rather than artificial languages.

Language borders may be more blurred, but it remains important to establish effective and rigorous communication. Companies like Traductanet guarantee professional translation and interpretation, software localisation and terminology services, helping its clients with all their language needs. Because with Traductanet, everything makes sense.

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