When it comes to expanding horizons and investing in the internationalisation of their brand, many small and medium-sized companies continue to find language to be an insurmountable barrier, particularly in terms of monetising their digital marketing.

In economically emerging languages, such as Chinese, the need to reach new markets combines this urgency with the difficulties caused by it being a non-Indo-European language.

Belonging to the Sino-Tibetan group of languages, Chinese (in its many forms, from standard Mandarin official to almost unknown Sichuan) is spoken by about one-fifth of the world's inhabitants, making it the most spoken language on the planet, although it is very far from being the most widespread.

A tonal and largely monosyllabic language (particularly in its written form) there are a number of challenges that arise naturally from its many idiosyncrasies.

Traductanet, supported by a reliable team of native translators with rigorous expertise in the technical field, is, by its experience and the quality of its work, the best option for overcoming the difficulties posed by this language.

Through its SEO, translation, interpretation and transcreation, content creation,  terminology management and thematic glossary services, Traductanet is the right choice for your company.

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