We often hear the expression “simultaneous translation” when speaking of translating the content of a talk as it is being delivered. However, the correct term is “simultaneous interpretation”, because the professional uses different specialist techniques that involve interpreting the content of the talk as the speaker is delivering it, then transposing and verbalising it in a different language.

This technique allows the interpreter to finish their task just seconds after the speaker, which is not the case if they were to be performing a translation of the talk.

Some languages are particularly challenging because of their grammatical structure, which means the interpreter may not know the sense of the phrase until the very end of the sentence: this is the case with German, in which negations are placed at the end of sentences, forcing the interpreter to store more information until the the true meaning can be interpreted.

At Traductanet we guarantee quality translation and interpretation services provided by professionals fluent in the technical and particular terminology employed by each customer.

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